Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Do you walk? Run? Exercise?

I'm trying to get into that healthy habit of walking each day for at least 30 minutes.

Wenda is my inspiration---actually more like my motivation. I've noticed if I walk her in the morning she seems more calm during the day, which is fabulous!!

I just mapped out my route--looks like I've been walking 1.6 miles in 30 minutes. I'm going to find a 2 mile route--and work on making it faster. ;)

I'd like to start running but I think I want to get into this habit of walking every morning first.

It's funny how during the day I think to myself, Oh man, I gotta exercise yet--oh wait! It's done already! Sweet!  That's a great feeling even though I do have to get up at 7/7:15 every morning, it's totally worth it!

Today I am working on my goals that I want to accomplish: Weight loss goals, healthy habit goals, life goals, etc. It's always good to work towards goals!!

Thought this was interesting...


1 comment:

  1. I started a diet last November, a simple calorie intake count and have been amazed once I start looking at the numbers what I USE to eat! (That's not to say I don't cheat sometimes *wink*) I've lost almost 20 lbs.
    I also started running. Right now I only get to do it once or twice a week due to my work schedule and small child.
    A great FREE app, if you have an iPhone is "Lose It!" I keep track of my goals, exercise, and calories on it (calories eaten and burned). It REALLY helped me stay focused when I was first starting.
