This is my page dedicated to goals in my life. Gotta have goals to be motivated!
Fitness Goals:
-Walk Wenda 5x a week for at least 30 minutes (2 miles)
-Start Couch to 5k
-Finish Couch to 5k
-Run a 5k
-Complete 30 Day Shred
-Go on a day long hike with the hubby
-Go on a multi-day hike with the hubby
-10 pushups in a row
-20 pushups in a row
-30 pushups in a row
-Run a mile in under 8 minutes
Weight Loss Goals:
-Weigh in at 135 lbs
-Weigh in at 130 lbs
-Weigh in at 125 lbs
-Weigh in at 120 lbs
-Get to a healthy BMI (at least 24.9 which would
put me at 132 lbs)
-Wear a two piece (last time I did that was on my
honeymoon ;) )
-Wear clothing in single digits!
-Wear a size 6/7
-Wear a size 4/5
Other goals:
-By new clothes when I reach my goals!
-Makeover. ;)
-Go on a cruise with the hubby!
-Have a baby ;)
-Visit family in Florida yearly (at least!)
-Go to New York
-Be debt free
Wish list
-Get a new bike
-Get new work out clothes
-Apple computer ;)
-New vehicle (new to us) (Yes, we are BOTH driving around
in 10+ old cars!!)
-Ipod (or get mine to work...)