Monday, April 23, 2012

National Infertility Awareness Week

This week, April 22-28 is National Infertility Awareness Week.

Please take a moment to find out more about this heartbreaking disease. Having a child should be one of the most natural things in the world... but it's not, for many.

What IF (

One of the most scary things about dealing with infertility is having to live without children... happily. But what IF we stop living in fear and start living as advocates. Infertility is real--and needs to be acknowledged in the medical world. We need coverage. We need help. We need to find answers to this disease.

If you are among the 1 in 8 like us, please know you're not alone! Help inform others (of course, when you are ready). From personal experience, when I opened up and let others know about our infertility the more others came out of the woodwork. I'd get emails, facebook messages, and even had conversations in a baby retail shop (my ironic part time job!) with complete strangers. It's allowed me to validate my feelings with others going through the same thing, and to know that I'm not in this dark place alone. We can offer support to each other and information to people who have no clue infertility exists!

If you are not struggling with this disease--please help spread the word about infertility, and support someone you know going through it. Remember, as someone struggling with infertility, we don't need advice about our fertility but rather, we just need someone to listen. Someone who will be an advocate for us in times we can't even do that ourselves. Inform yourselves, inform others.

Here's a few great links--
Don't Ignore Someone You Know
Resolve: The National Infertility Association
American Fertility Association
Fertility within Reach: Become Your Own Best Advocate

And of course... check out more of my pins on Pinterest board: Infertility thoughts & hopes!

I can make a difference. You can make a difference. Get the word out. Be aware.

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