's time to change my habits over at our house!
One thing that has been a total 'sucker of my time' has been...
Facebook! |
Whether you'd like to admit it or not, facebook entertains jealousy. "Oh, what a nice house they have, I wish I had that!" "Wow, they have a vacation home and a boat--why can't my life be that nice?" "They have a perfect life with perfect kids, I want that!" "Look at THAT car--I WISH I had that!" and the list can go on....
One huge one for me, "Oh, she's pregnant? Why can't I be?"
I see a lot of complaining due to kids/pregnancy/etc and want to shout out: "At least you HAVE kids or going to have them; do you know how many people would absolutely LOVE to trade situations?!"
I want to shout out in response to some, "It's not MY choice to be childless!"
I read too many status' that have me shouting so many things in my head that it's time for me to say good bye for a while.
Honestly though, I'm forgetting to mention that there are many who post wonderful things about their pregnancy/kids. I love it when I read when people are grateful and thankful for their pregnancy/kids--it makes me smile! As someone desperately desiring to have a family of my own, I truly appreciate people who don't take their pregnancy/kids for granted... they truly are a gift! I am learning that every. single. day. Thank you to those of you who post positive things on facebook! :) The world can always use more positivity--thanks for being an inspiration!
Instead of spending facebook time, I'm looking forward to putting my energies into spending time with the Lord, exercising, and spending quality time with the hubby. Tomorrow--I will sign off for a while.
My daily mission is to "honor God with my time AND my health (mental, physical, spiritual)".
So here's to a NEW week, with a NEW mission!
So are there any "suckers of your time" that keep you from things more important?
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