Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I WILL be grateful.

Do you have those days? Maybe that kind of week? or season?
That's where I'm at.

Lately it feels rainy and stormy in my life. I have my ups and downs but as I noticed yesterday while talking with my hubby, it feels like we are just standing still! People around us are getting different/new jobs, friends are starting families, and my emotional state is a roller coaster? Am I the only one out here that struggles?

What I love about the above picture is that it describes my current state: being in a storm and being grateful for today. Being grateful isn't always easy, especially when going through the storm. I think it's easy to take things for granted when things are going the way we want them to. I definitely need to order this print soon! :)

How do you remind yourself to be grateful and content?

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